Thursday, October 24, 2024

UK100 urges Government to work with councils to deliver on Net Zero following local election results

UK100 is urging the government to work in partnership with local authorities to develop a comprehensive Net Zero delivery framework that maximises the potential of local climate action to create jobs, boost economies, and improve lives across the UK.

In the wake of a challenging local election night for the government and a High Court ruling that the UK’s climate plan is unlawful, the UK100 network of local leaders is urging Ministers to “call time” on their “retreat from climate leadership” and put local leaders, of all stripes, incumbent and newly-elected, at the centre of a renewed push to deliver on the UK’s climate ambitions.

Christopher Hammond (pictured), Chief Executive of UK100, said:

“The High Court’s decision and the emerging local election results send a clear message: watering down the UK’s climate ambitions are not the panacea to the Government’s electoral challenges nor are they legal. It’s not what people want, nor what the planet needs. As our new Zero In report highlights, the most cost-effective and quickest route to Net Zero runs through local and regional authorities. It’s time for the Prime Minister to take stock and change course.”

The High Court ruling comes just days after UK Net Zero Secretary Claire Coutinho’s keynote speech at the Innovation Zero conference, which was repeatedly disrupted by protesters accusing the government of undermining its climate commitments. Coutinho argued that the government needed to take a more hands-off approach to the Net Zero transition while businesses should learn to live with policy uncertainty.

Christopher Hammond also spoke at the Innovation Zero conference, highlighting the importance of cross-party local climate action at a panel session on public-private partnerships and a workshop on engagement and the rise of local climate misinformation.

“Many of the councillors taking their seats for the first time today, like local leaders up and down the country, have been elected on a mandate to deliver ambitious local action to tackle the climate emergency while boosting local and regional economies,” adds Hammond. “The government must now provide them with the long-term funding, powers, and support they need to deliver on this critical mission. Failure to act will only further erode public trust and jeopardise the UK’s ability to meet its Net Zero targets.”

Christopher is keen to highlight that the bright spot for the Conservatives, the re-election of Mayor Ben Houchen, only serves to reinforce UK100’s call for a course correction. Houchen was a co-author on last year’s Mission Zero Coalition Future is Local report calling for a “local big bang” on climate action and has been keen to distance himself from the Government throughout his campaign.

UK100 is urging the government to work in partnership with local authorities to develop a comprehensive Net Zero delivery framework that maximises the potential of local climate action to create jobs, boost economies, and improve lives across the UK.

As in previous years, Transport + Energy is offering a number of fully funded places to qualifying representatives from local authorities who are in a role which is focused on the decarbonisation of transport, including energy, infrastructure, planning and highways at its upcoming Transport + Energy Forum.

Image courtesy of UK100.

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