Sunday, September 8, 2024

transport technology forum

Electric VehiclesInfrastructure and TechnologyLatestNews

EV Working Group hears about parking and charging synergies

Parking management techniques can be used to improve the efficiency of electric vehicle charging networks by increasing the amount of time they are in use, delegates at a meeting of the Transport Technology Forum’s (TTF) EV Charging Infrastructure Working Group heard.

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Electric VehiclesInfrastructure and TechnologyLatestNews

Meeting of TTF EV group will highlight kerbside charging solutions

The Transport Technology Forum’s Working Group concentrating on Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) delivered by local authorities is holding a face-to-face meeting next month to hear about practical solutions for implementing chargers on the kerbside.

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Electric VehiclesInfrastructure and TechnologyLatestNews

TTF Working Group commits to producing further EV guidance for councils

The Transport Technology Forum’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Working Group is committing to producing further guidance designed to help council officers’ rollout the required infrastructure to keep pace with the adoption of electric vehicles.

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Infrastructure and TechnologyLatestNewsRoads

ITS UK and TTF agree new partnership

Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK) and the Transport Technology Forum (TTF) have entered into a new partnership that will see the two organisations working together to better support the transport technology sector and the adoption of new technologies for the benefit of transport users.

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Infrastructure and TechnologyLatestNews

New guide launched to help councils with EV charging rollout

The Transport Technology Forum’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Charging Working Group, with the support of the Office of Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV), has delivered a simple starter guide aimed at helping local authorities understand the challenges around delivering on-street charging networks for electric vehicles (EVs).

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EventsInfrastructure and TechnologyLatestNewsRoads

TTF to speak at Transport + Energy Forum

Paula Claytonsmith, policy support advisor to the DfT and Innovate UK funded Transport Technology Forum (TTF), will deliver an update at the Transport + Energy Forum – an event which will bring together key stakeholder groups to discuss the actions that need to be taken to reach net zero.

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