Rising star award

Relevant for: Individuals that have been in the clean transport and energy industry for five years or fewer.

Summary of suggested entry content: 

  • • Evidence of working in clean energy and transport environment for a period of fewer than five years
  • • Role of the candidate
  • • Career achievements to date
  • • What makes them stand out?

Criteria should include:

  • • How has this candidate made a mark on the industry, employer and their colleagues?
  • • Why are they different from others in a similar position?
  • • How does this candidate demonstrate the values of professionalism, integrity, excellence and respect? This could be both in their work, industry, amongst their peers and/or within society?
  • • What has the candidate implemented within the business that has had a profound impact on the operations of the business and/or colleagues?

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Closing date for entries is Monday 2 September at 17:00

Please complete the criteria sections below, up to a maximum of 500 words per criteria.

Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 5 files.

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