Best local authority EV charging scheme
Relevant for: local councils
This award will be given to the council that has implemented an electric vehicle charging scheme that delivers measurable and sustainable benefits to the community and the authority.
Summary of suggested entry content:
- • Overall scheme details
- • Planning and site
- • Overall charging strategy – how it underpins the authority’s commitment to EVs and associated infrastructure
- • Scheme development and construction
- • Implementation and challenges
- • Political and officer involvement and influence
Criteria should include:
- • Details of the scheme, approach taken, highlighting areas of best practice, including collaborative working, stakeholder engagement and the adoption of a wider strategy
- • Explanation of the challenges met and objectives overcome
- • Impact of the scheme on the community locally or at large
- • How the scheme was funded – private/public funding, involvement of LEPs or other third parties
*All works must have been completed on or after 1 September 2023, and prior to the close of this year’s nominations window (2 September 2024).
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