Best alternative fuel decarbonisation project/scheme

Relevant for: OEMs, technology innovators, providers/users of alternative fuel types such as HVO, hydrogen, biofuels (e.g. logistics providers)

Summary of suggested entry content: 

  • • Overall project/scheme details
  • • Type of vehicles and/or construction equipment decarbonised
  • • Implementation and challenges
  • • Carbon emissions reductions achieved
  • • Details of refuelling options

Criteria should include:

  • • Details of the project/scheme, highlighting areas of best practice, including collaborative working, stakeholder engagement and the adoption of a wider strategy
  • • Explanation of the challenges met and objectives overcome
  • • Impact of the project/scheme
  • • Proof of reduction in carbon emissions
  • • Evidence of why technology is best compared to other alternatives for particular use case
Closing date for entries is Monday 2 September at 17:00

Please complete the criteria sections below, up to a maximum of 500 words per criteria.

Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 5 files.

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