Sunday, September 8, 2024

Best local authority fleet partnership

Relevant for: Local authorities and/or private sector who have formed a collaborative partnership and helped to decarbonise a fleet.

Examples might include: a council working with a company to decarbonise refuse vehicles; bus fleet or operational vehicles.

Summary of suggested entry content: 

  • • Overall strategy/project details
  • • Size of fleet and type of vehicles
  • • Overall charging strategy – how it underpins commitment to EVs and associated infrastructure
  • • Implementation and challenges
  • • Wider benefit to business and stakeholders served by the council

Criteria should include:

  • • Details of the partnership, approach taken, highlighting areas of best practice, including collaborative working, stakeholder engagement and the adoption of a wider strategy
  • • Explanation of the challenges met and objectives overcome
  • • Impact of the scheme on the council and the wider community
  • • Proof of reduction in carbon emissions
  • • Energy savings for council
Closing date for entries is Monday 9 September at 17:00

Please complete the criteria sections below, up to a maximum of 500 words per criteria.

Maximum of 500 words
Maximum of 500 words
Maximum of 500 words
Maximum of 500 words
Maximum of 500 words
Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 5 files.

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