Sunday, September 8, 2024
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GRIDSERVE and Moto open new chargers at Electric Super Hubs

GRIDSERVE have announced the addition of new High Power chargers at five Electric Super Hubs at Moto locations.

Six new High Power chargers have been installed at the most northerly Electric Super Hub at Moto Kinross in Scotland. At Moto Cardiff West, 12 High Power chargers have been installed to serve those travelling near the Welsh capital. On the M6 at Moto Hilton Park North, 12 new High Power chargers have been installed before the busy Christmas period.

In addition, in response to demand at some of the busiest Moto sites, Exeter services is now the largest GRIDSERVE Electric Super Hub with 24 High Power chargers, as 12 new chargers have been added. At Moto Pease Pottage on the M23, six additional High Power chargers have been installed, bringing the total number of chargers at the Electric Super Hub to 12.

On average over 180,000 charging sessions a month are now recorded on the GRIDSERVE Electric Highway, which has almost doubled in size in the last 12 months. Over 150 High Power chargers have been installed in 2023 (compared to 117 in 2022), with many more locations in construction or awaiting energisation as part of an accelerate rollout phase across the UK’s busiest roads.

The latest chargers, take the GRIDSERVE High Power chargepoint total to over 300.

Many more chargers will be added soon across GRIDSERVE’s Electric Forecourts, Electric Super Hubs and Electric Retail Hubs, too, including at Moto Lancaster and Moto Chieveley.  A further 22 High Power chargepoints, along with four Low Power AC chargepoints, will be operational at London Gatwick Airport Electric Forecourt when it opens at the end of the year. Construction has also started at GRIDSERVE’s next Electric Forecourt in Stevenage this month.

Toddington Harper, CEO of GRIDSERVE, said: “We are so excited to be expanding the GRIDSERVE Electric Highway even further with these new chargepoints. Three brand new locations is great news for motorists as the roads getting busier in the lead up to Christmas. The expansion of Exeter and Pease Pottage is vital for our continued efforts to support the UK’s busiest Motorway Service Areas in delivering EV charging facilities. We will continue to deliver High Power charging at the speed and scale needed to give drivers the confidence to switch to electric.”

Moto Chief Executive, Ken McMeikan, said: “We’re passionately driving the expansion of Ultra Rapid Charging Hubs across Moto Service Areas and I’m absolutely delighted we have recently added 48 ultra-rapid chargers. These openings are yet another demonstration of our commitment to EV drivers to revolutionise the charging experience on the UK’s motorway network with capacity, reliability, simplicity and speed.”

Image courtesy of GRIDSERVE.

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