Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Electric VehiclesLatestNewsVehicle manufacturers

VRA assists buyers on EV costs

How to assist dealers and buyers in understanding the costs of running an electric vehicle (EV) forms the core message of a new white paper by the Vehicle Remarketing Association (VRA).

Called “Understanding Electric Vehicle Efficiency, Charging Costs and Charging Infrastructure”, it has been written by battery electrochemist Euan McTurk, who is the creator and presenter of Plug Life Television, a YouTube channel about EVs.

It covers topics including understanding common metrics used to measure EV efficiency and what represents a good performance, how to access the best rates for charging at home and on the road, and what kind of charging infrastructure should be adopted by vehicle remarketers.

Philip Nothard, VRA chair, said: “There’s surprisingly little understanding in the market about the fact that some EVs are much more efficient than others in exactly the same way as traditional vehicles vary substantially on MPG.

“This document – the third In our series of EV white papers – is very much designed to provide a detailed briefing for everyone working in remarketing covering the cost of power when it comes to running and electric car or van.

“It also looks in detail at different ways of accessing power at home and when using public chargers. With the way that the cost of electricity has risen over the last year or more, it is an extremely pertinent topic.

“This is information that everyone working in remarketing needs and which they also should be able to explain to potential EV buyers in an easy-to-understand manner.”

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Philip added that there remained a huge appetite for information about EVs from VRA members and that more white papers covering the subject would be produced in 2024.

“The electrification of the used vehicle sector is the biggest remarketing challenge of the decade and members are keen to gain the widest possible understanding of all aspects of this transformation.”

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