Thursday, October 24, 2024
Infrastructure and TechnologyLatestNews

Councils set to be required to produce EV charging strategies

Local authorities will be required to produce electric vehicle (EV) charging strategies, under plans being drawn up by the Department for Transport (DfT).

The DfT will look to update local transport plans to include the need for local transport authorities (LTAs) to produce local electric vehicle (EV) charging strategies and ensure provision of chargepoints.

In a statement, the DfT said: ”When parliamentary time allows, we intend to take powers to issue directions to LTAs to produce local charging strategies if they have not done so as part of local transport plans.

”We will also continue to monitor and evaluate the rollout of charging infrastructure in existing non-residential car parks, reviewing powers if market pace is deemed insufficient. We will consider further consultation focused on lease interactions if powers are pursued. The Rapid charging fund will be used to support sites with open-access charging and competition on site.”

New regulations to improve consumer experience at public chargepoints were passed in Parliament on 24 October 2023. In addition, DfT will seek to encourage best practice and continue to monitor progress in this area through ongoing engagement with industry, working with the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) to enforce the regulations and other non-legislative means.

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