
Electric Miles and National Grid provide flexibility 

Electric Miles, as part of a commercial initiative with National Grid, is harnessing its network of domestic EV chargers to reduce peak energy demand this winter and keep the system balanced.
Alec Peachey
energy network

Electric Miles, as part of a commercial initiative with National Grid, is harnessing its network of domestic EV chargers to reduce peak energy demand this winter and keep the system balanced.   

It follows Electric Miles securing a contract last year that allows participation in demand and generation response activities across National Grid’s electricity distribution network in the winter season.

Starting on 1 November, all Electric Miles’ EV smart charging assets that are strategically matched in areas needing grid support will begin to participate in energy flexibility. Through the user-friendly app, EV owners can efficiently manage costs, prioritise green energy, and actively contribute to grid stability – and earn rewards for participation. 

Helen Sawdon, National Grid’s Flexibility Commercial Lead, said: “We’re thrilled to partner with aggregators like Electric Miles, with the aim of increasing UK household participation in distribution level flexibility to reduce peak network demand.” 

“We’re committed to continue the use of flexibility to support our distribution network at times where we see electricity demand peak, lowering the cost of maintaining our network for all customers. Through this contract Electric Miles will have opportunities to grow its portfolio with us into the future as we identify more locations that will benefit from flexibility.” 

Arun Anand, Founder & CEO of Electric Miles, said: “Working with National Grid is a vital step towards achieving the UK’s green energy vision. The SmartFlex solution empowers EV drivers, charge point operators, and the grid itself. Users of the Electric Miles app play a pivotal role in EVs’ contribution to grid stability.” 

“Our asset matching outcomes in National Grid’s distribution area have exceeded expectations, with more than 10 times the chargers being matched, significantly enhancing our participation in energy flexibility. Electric Miles is prepared for a transformative journey, employing its SmartFlex platform for automated energy trading. Future plans encompass expansion into home solar, batteries, heating and other grid-supportive distributed energy resources.” 

Image from Shutterstock

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