Electric Vehicles

Veolia acquires new electric fleet for Wembley Stadium

Wembley Stadium has worked with Veolia to introduce a fleet of new electric and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) powered vehicles to clean up the stadium post-events.
Alec Peachey

Wembley Stadium has worked with Veolia to introduce a fleet of new electric and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) powered vehicles to clean up the stadium post-events.

The new eco-fleet, which sweeps up around the stadium after every event, will reduce emissions by up to 90% and ensure the home of football continues remains at the forefront of sustainability, it said.

Alongside the new vehicles, Veolia has also launched a schools programme in Brent to educate the fans of tomorrow on how football and sustainability can go hand in hand. The pilot programme builds on Veolia’s established schools engagement initiative which aims to reach 30,000 pupils across the country this year.  

Liam Boylan, Stadium Director, Wembley Stadium, said: “As England ’s national stadium, we are fully aware of the impact that large scale events can have on our planet.

“We are always looking at ways of reducing that impact. Veolia has played a huge part in helping us attain our objectives and together, we have introduced a wide range of measures to ensure sustainability is built into our everyday operations.”

Gisela Endres, Veolia Senior Contract Manager said: “Over two million people visit Wembley Stadium every year which gives us a huge platform to influence sustainable behaviours. Combining football and sustainability helps the fans of the future understand the importance of their choices and their impact on the planet, so the next generation will have the tools to fight climate change.

“Working together at the home of English football and the second largest stadium in Europe means we can showcase the innovations that make Wembley a sustainability leader and a great example of ecological transformation.”

Image courtesy of Veolia

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