Infrastructure + technology

TfL manager joins Transport + Energy editorial board

Lucy Hayward-Speight, Transport Strategy & Policy Manager at Transport for London (TfL), has joined the Transport + Energy editorial advisory board.
Alec Peachey

Lucy Hayward-Speight, Transport Strategy & Policy Manager at Transport for London (TfL), has joined the Transport + Energy editorial advisory board.

Lucy has 20 years’ experience, including 10 years in consultancy and now more recently at Transport for London where she leads on London’s transport policy relating to the environment. Lucy covers air quality, carbon, electric vehicle infrastructure and climate change. Within this, some key projects and policies include the development of the Ultra Low Emission Zone and its subsequent iterations, the associated London scrappage schemes, changes to the Low Emission Zone for heavy vehicles, and taxi and private hire emissions policies, including changes to the licencing requirements, the London taxi decommissioning fund and changes to vehicle age limits.

With the Mayor’s ambition for the capital to be net zero carbon by 2030, she has been working hard on what changes might need to be made for this in the transport field. Electric vehicles will play a part in this and Lucy led the recent 2030 London Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Strategy, which built on her work with the Mayor’s EV infrastructure Taskforce previously. Before TfL, Lucy worked as a transport consultant advising on the environmental impacts of transport policies, plans and projects, as well as at a county council on their Local Transport Plan.

Transport + Energy has assembled a group of highly experienced experts from both sectors to make up its editorial advisory board.

Members offer insight about marketplace happenings; give thoughts and opinions on topical issues, provide ideas for features and news contributions and help to steer the editorial direction of the brand.

Editorial board members have been considering issues and working in fields related to transport and energy for many years. Find out more about the members here.

Image courtesy of Transport for London.

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