A new ‘solar tree’ which will power rapid electric vehicle charging points at homes, businesses and commercial car parks is being launched in the UK.
UK based solar energy company SolarBotanic has confirmed it will make world’s first affordable mass-produced solar tree, which is says will create “a game-changing sustainable solution to solar energy for commercial use”.
SolarBotanic Trees feature the world’s first 3D leaf shaped photovoltaic nanotechnology and are designed specifically for aesthetically sensitive commercial locations such as car parks at airports, shopping malls and exhibition centres.
This first-generation SolarBotanic Tree will eventually spawn a family of products, primarily aimed at the rapid electric vehicle charging market for homes, businesses and commercial car parks, where solar power can be captured and stored for charging points. It will also encompass a sophisticated AI-driven energy storage and power management system (PMS), where trees can be linked and form part of a local grid, or feed into the main grid, essential to optimise an increasingly electrified future.
According to the company, the SolarBotanic Tree is unique to the market and the result of five years of planning research and design, and features exciting new Photovoltaic (“PV”) 3D leaf-shaped nano-technology to harness solar energy for charging and energy storage. It has been developed in collaboration with Co-Innovate – a business support programme which supports SMEs in London by using academic and innovation resources at Brunel University London, the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Coventry and the AMRC’s Design and Prototyping Group who will be conducting the prototype testing.
The first SolarBotanic Trees will become available in early 2023.
The management team behind the company is made up of the following representatives:
- Harry Corrigan – Founder and Executive Chairman.
- Chris Shelley – Chief Executive Officer
- Stuart Margerrison – Strategic Partnership Director
- Dr. Gerard Jansen – Chief Product Officer.
Image courtesy of SolarBotanic.