
LCRIG and TTF announce new partnership

Today (26 August), the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) and the Transport Technology Forum (TTF), are announcing a new partnership to promote best practice, collaboration and innovation across the highways sector.
Alec Peachey

Today (26 August), the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) and the Transport Technology Forum (TTF), are announcing a new partnership to promote best practice, collaboration and innovation across the highways sector. 

Both groups already work closely together, but this new agreement means that the respective audiences will benefit from closer alignment across several activities including events, guidance, briefings, communications and links to central government. 

The Transport Technology Forum is supported by the Department for Transport (DfT) and Innovate UK.  It exists to give leadership, direction and support and to stimulate investment in innovation and technology solutions.

As part of the agreement LCRIG has been awarded funding for a year to allow it to facilitate these activities and further enhance the reputation of TTF, which has been managed by Arup over the last three years. 

LCRIG has already worked closely with the DfT and TTF to help manage the application process for traffic signals funding. More than 100 local authorities expressed an interest in the £15 million funding allocation for the upgrade and repair of traffic signals in England – a level of response which the Department for Transport described as “unprecedented”.

The agreement builds on the work that has already been done between the two groups and further aligns the relationship that LCRIG has with the DfT.   

DfT recently confirmed their ongoing commitment to support LCRIG across a range of activities. This is principally because they can see the benefit that LCRIG bring by providing all of its resources free to local government. The agreement with TTF will further build on this ethos. 

Commenting on the agreement, TTF Chair Steve Gooding said:  “The TTF’s ambition is to build the relationship between the designers and suppliers of traffic technology and their public sector customers, be they in central or local government, so working with LCRIG in this way makes perfect sense for us as we seek to create a broad community of interest in how we can better manage both our national and local roads, and so give people safer, cleaner, smoother journeys. I look forward to working with Will, Martin and the team in taking the TTF to the next level.

Will Britain, President of LCRIG, said: “This agreement builds on the close working relationship that we already have with TTF. Given that we already work closely with the DfT it makes sense that LCRIG and TTF are now much more closely aligned. The links between central and local government really are key to ensuring ongoing improvements in the roads sector. 

“The partnership that we’ve agreed puts us in a unique position of having the experience and knowledge of a raft of experts across both the highways maintenance and technology space. As councils continue to face funding challenges both groups will play a key role in helping to facilitate collaboration and innovation. We look forward to continuing to play a key role in driving change in the sector alongside our colleagues from TTF.” 

Main image – Representatives from both LCRIG and TTF recently met to discuss the partnership. Pictured from left to right: Will Britain, President of LCRIG; Darren Capes, Manager of the TTF and ITS Policy Lead, Traffic and Technology Division, Department for Transport; and Martin Duffy, Chief Executive of LCRIG).

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