Electric Vehicles

Midlothian adds to EV fleet

Midlothian Council has been able to lease more electric vehicles to add to its green fleet due to a £45,000 Scottish Government grant.
James Evison

Midlothian Council has been able to lease more electric vehicles to add to its green fleet due to a £45,000 Scottish Government grant.

Four Kia e-Niros are now being used by council staff during working hours, helping the council reduce its carbon footprint, and meet its commitment to become carbon neutral by 2030.

The four cars are in addition to 11 electric vehicles already owned by the council and 12 leased electric vehicles.

A Midlothian Council spokesman said: “The Switched on Fleets grant for 2019/20 has been a huge help in supporting our green agenda –  as outlined in our Climate Change Strategy – especially as the capital cost for electric or alternative fuelled vehicles is 20-40% higher than petrol or diesel vehicles.

“The electric vehicles together with 21 council electric chargers across Midlothian and 17 privately installed electric chargers means we are helping reduce fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions.”

  • image courtesy of Shutterstock

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