Electric Vehicles

Funding for charge points in Swindon

22 electric vehicle charging bays will be installed across Swindon following a successful bid to the government by the local authority.
James Evison
Swindon charging

22 electric vehicle charging bays will be installed across Swindon following a successful bid to the government by the local authority.

The 11 double-headed on-street charge points will be placed where demand is highest, and following a survey by the council of residents to understand

The bays will be installed across eight locations in the Central and Eastcott wards according to where survey respondents said they would use an electric car if a charging point was available.

The majority of the funding for the 22 charging bays will come from central Government while the rest will come from the council. Installation will begin later this year and is expected to be completed by March 2021.

Councillor Maureen Penny, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, Maintenance, and Waste Services, said: “Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular and we want to do all we can to enable our residents to use them by making charging points available.

“We listened to residents and are installing these points in areas where most survey respondents said they would consider buying an electric vehicle if a parking bay with a charging point was available in their area. We hope that these bays, once installed, will be useful for residents while also being beneficial for the environment.”

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